Friday, May 22, 2015

week 40 (February 9, 2015)

This week I had such a great B-Day. We are working hard and still dying of heat. The other day it rained but its always for just a second so it really doesnt seem like it rains alot. My companion and i are doing better. we are really enjoying our time together. I am really developing christ attributes. 
So as you can see in my pics. We had alot of sugar this week...nah it wasnt that bad. Jaja
We are trying to find new people to teach and we are still working with the familia casanueva. 
Today we played basketball with one of our investigators and a member it was super fun. This week we had divisiones so i ent to another area for a day. it was fun but super hot that day. well here all the days are hot. But at least i am getting a tan . I really am enjoying my mission. I cant believe it is half over.. Sooo crazy. i am continuing to work hard and loving the people i am serving. 
Transfers are in 2 weeks so we will see what will happen. 
I really hope you are all well. 
LOve you all so much!!! 
Con amor...Hermana Franks

This is the American section at the grocery store, they sure like their pringles

Week 39 (February 1, 2015)

Hola mi familia.
This week was great. We aroked really hard and i think you know just about evrything we did from the pics i sent. We are working super hard so that we can have another baptism. We are working hard with the famila casanueva and i think we are close to a in Argentina...hopefully. Tonight we have a noche de hogar with them so that will be fun. Yesterday we had soo many people come to church. It was so amazing. Really we are seeing blessigns here in santiago del estero. 
I am loving the work. Really i know with all my heart that missionary work is so important and that i am so glad i come from a missionary family. I feel so lucky to be living here in argentina. I love every minute of it. Yeah sometimes you have bats in the toilet. or you fight with your companion or there is no mexican food and the pizza is wierd and sometimes the people dont understand you and sometimes you cant breatht because everyone is smoking. but sometimes you get into a taxi and find someone who wants to hear about the gospel and you end up having a lesson inside the taxi with a prayer and everything. Sometimes you are walking down the street and you almost trip and fall on you face (everyday) and all you can do is laugh. Sometimes you get to meet the coolest people in the world because you have the courage to knock on just one more door or help the people with their grocerys. Sometimes you find family miles and miles away from you little home town in utah and you are so thankful that you have a testimony and that you were willing to take some time off from all the things you have in your life and go to work fo rthe Lord. The mission is the coolest thing that has ever happened to me. ANd its just the start to my adventure.
Thank you for your love, your birthday, and all the things you do for me. Stay strong in the church. Look for missionary oportunities and feed the missionaries..
I love you with all my argentine heart. 
Con mucho amor, Hermana Franks
Paz y bendiciones;)

i am now on si hay alguien quien quiere hablar con migo. 

Week 38 (January 25, 2015)

hola mi hermosa familia..... WE HAD A BAPTISM!!!!!! Yeah it wa sso beautiful. We are going to have so much more.  I am truly sorry fo rthe carta.. right more and better next week.
hermana franks

Week 37 (January 19, 2015)

Ok so i just have to say that the other day my companion was in the bathroom and i was in our room praying. And i could here her hitting something and then she came into the room and said that there was a huge bug in the toilet. (here there are toilets then another thing little thing supposedly to wash your bum...pero im not entirely sure. But the monster was in the second thing)  So i finished my prayer then went to go check it out and all i could see was a big black thing. Here there are giant grasshoppers so i thought it was one of those. Then we came back in the night and my companion had to go to the bathroom but we were afraid so we went to open the door of the bathroom and so we carefully opened the door and it was in the lou thingy and we both screamed and were trying to run away and i knew it was a bat!!!!!! and so we had to hurry and shut the door and then we called our missionary lider and he came and killed it for us.
Yeah it was super funny. Just imagine it in your heads. 
Yesterday me and my companion gave talks in church. it was great. 
I am dying of heat. and i am in love with our air conditionar. 
Ihope you are all doing great and i hope you know how much i love you!! Pray always.....
Much love from argentina!!! 
Hermana Franks

Week 36 (January 12, 2015)

How is my family? 
Well our new apartment is great. Now we have excessive space.  But we have air conditionar which is heaven and we do not have any bugs. as of right now.  This week was a little rough because we did not sleep very good all this week. 2 days it was really stormy and we are in the 14th floor and it was super windy. No joke we could not sleep. then 2 other days there was a crazy lady calling us all night and telling us that she was going to call the police cause we were calling her. Yep shes crazy.
Then yesterday was transfers and we were up until 2:30. 
 But we are working hard and today we were taking a nap and we accidentliy slept for almost 2 hrs........I felt sooo bad. But thats how it is. 
The family casanueva dont know if they want to get married but mariaeugenia wants to get baptized so bad so we are working with them so they can make a decision. 
Yesterday i taught Gospel Priciples and it was really good. We talked about our heavenly family. Also we had zone training which was good. And we ate really good sandwiches. 
I really hope that all of you are doing good. 
I will talk to you all next week. 
I just want you to know that i  am happy and healthy. no really i have lost alot of weight. And i love argentina.
Love you with all my heart. love hermana franks

Week 35 (January 5, 2015)

So I know that it says week 35 but it really is May 22nd I have been putting off posting any of Hermana's Franks letters and pictures and truthfully I have been not very faithful in keeping up with it, but also just to let you know, that Hermana Franks hasn't been writting letters either.  So I will post any letters or pictures that she has sent but if there isn't much welcome to our world.

This weeks sendings:

Hermana Franks just chatted today, her and the missionaries in her apartment had to move out of their apartment, they just moved up to the 14th floor of the same apartment building.  She also talked alot about Brennan and McKell getting married.

These are the pictures she sent.