Monday, December 1, 2014

Week 30 (December 1, 2014)

Hola mi hermosa familia,
So things here are great. I really am doing good. Today was transfers and yes i am staying here in Santiago. I´m going to be a TRAINER!!!! oh i am so excited. Really I am a little nervous but i know that God will help to teach mi hija the things she needs to learn. I hope i can be a good example and that I will enjoy every minute, which i am sure i will. We didn´t do anything for thanksgiving. Oh well we had lunch with members and hermana herrera and i were telling the about thanksgiving and  we went around the table and told one thing that we are thankful for. It was fun.

This week has been a little hard. I have felt really inferior this week but i feel so much better now.I believe in the power of prayer. 
How are things with everyone. Hermana Herrera and i are very excited for Christmas.
Today we cleaned our apartment in preparations for our new companions and let me just say that our apartment was sooo disgusting. But its all cleaned and nice now. We probably aren't going to move because we need to find an apartment with air conditioner but we cant seem to find one. The weather here is so strange. The other day it was sooooo hot and when it is really hot then it usually rains right after. Well the other day it was so hot and in the night it was crazy the wind blew so hard and here there are  not mountains its all flat so its a whole lot of wind and a whole lot of dirt. Then after we got to the apartment it started to rain. Then the next day it was cold and today is pretty nice.
If its colder then people don't come to church.. i don't know why so we didn't have any investigadores in the iglesisa yesterday. But we are working hard.
Yesterday since it was the last day of hermana baquedano we visited the people she wanted to. One of our recent converts is named leticia. I want to tell you a little about her. She has lots of different problems like, depression, and Parkinson's and she doesn't have family. only a few cousins but they don't really take care of her. She is starting to lose her memory and sometimes she thinks she hears things or she thinks there are people outside her house. This is because she cant really walk very well and sometimes she falls and hits her head alot. She lives alone and the only people that really help her is us and her neighbor and sometimes her family. but she is strong. She has such a desire to learn of the Gospel and to love others. we have to pass for her house almost everyday or else she is really depressed and she just doesn't have a desire to do things. But she always buys things for us so that when we come to here house we can have a little party. So we always cook when we are at her house yesterday we had pizza and the other day we made empanadas. which were really good. She is such a angel. I feel so blessed to be able to know her. She has all these problems is her life and she still finds the energy to come to church. I know this church is true. I know that we have a father in heaven that loves us and that he loved us enough to send his son. I am so thankful for this opportunities that i have to be a part of this marvelous work and i am thankful for the family and friends that i have that support me and that have the desire to share this gospel with others also. love you all so much! Thank you and i miss you!!!!
Much love from Argentina, 
Hermana Franks 

She did not send any pictures this week, but a great letter.

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